Workshops and Seminars | G-24


The G-24, in collaboration with its partners, hosts seminars to promote knowledge sharing around issues that are critical to its member countries.


2024 – July De-dollarization, the Global Payment Infrastructure, and Wholesale Central Bank Digital Currencies
2024 – July Webinar on the Bretton Woods System at Eighty: Multilateralism in a Changing World
2024 – April G-24/AFI Policymakers’ Roundtable on Financial Inclusion
2024 – January Briefing by the Task Force on Climate, Development and the IMF
2023 – November Roundtable on Reforming the MDBs for The Challenges of the 21st Century
2023 – October G-24/AFI Policymakers’ Roundtable on Financial Inclusion
2023 – October G-24/ICRICT Roundtable on Global Tax Policy reforms and the Options for the G-24 Members
2023 – June A Preliminary Assessment of the IMF, Climate and Development
2022 – December G-24 Virtual Briefing on COP27
2022 – September Scaling up MDBs’ Financing for Sustainable Development
2022 – July The Case for a New Bretton Woods: A Briefing with Kevin P. Gallagher and Richard Kozul-Wright
2022 – June The Future of Climate and Development: A discussion and reception with members of the Task Force on Climate, Development and the IMF
2022 – April G-24/AFI Policymakers’ Roundtable on Financial Inclusion
2022 – March G-24/ICRICT/FES Roundtable on Global Minimum Tax Implications
2022 – January Macroeconomic Consequences of Climate Change + Its Policy Responses; Findings from the Task Force on Climate, Development and the IMF
2021 – December Understanding Low-Carbon Transitions + Spillover Risk: Findings from the Task Force on Climate, Development and the IMF
2021 – December G-24 Virtual Roundtable Discussion: COP26 Outcomes and Implications for Developing Countries
2021 – October A Global Tax Deal: a Victory for Whom?
2021 – September Towards a Fairer Global Tax Deal
2021 – June G-24/ ICRICT Event – How to get a global tax deal that is fair to the world?
2021 – April G-24/AFI Policymakers’ Roundtable on Financial Inclusion
2020 – October G-24/AFI Policymakers’ Roundtable on Financial Inclusion
2020 – August Webinar- Collective Action Clauses in Motion: Lessons and Challenges for Covid-19 Era Sovereign Debt Restructuring
2020- July Webinar- Sovereign Debt: Emerging Issues and Challenges
2020- July Virtual Roundtable Discussion- Options to Enhance the Role of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) in the Global Reserve System
2019 – October Breakfast Dialogue- Taxing the Digital Economy: What the OECD Inclusive Framework Consensus Solution Would Mean for G-24 Countries
2019 – October Panel Discussion- Corporate Taxation in the Global Economy: Can a Consensus for Reform Emerge?
2019 – September Roundtable Discussion- Are We Heading Towards a New World Trade Order? Effects on G-24 Countries and a Possible Agenda for the Bretton Woods Institutions
2019 – April Breakfast Dialogue- International Tax Policy at a Critical Juncture: The Search for Consensus on Reforms
2019 – April G-24/AFI Policymakers’ Roundtable on Financial Inclusion
2018 – April Joint G-24/CGD Roundtable on the Implications of Basel III Reforms in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies
2019 – April Joint G-24/ LSE/ Coalition for Urban Transitions Seminar: Multilevel Finance, Cities, and the Sustainable Development Goals
2018 – October G-24/AFI Policymakers’ Roundtable on Financial Inclusion
2018 – April G-24/AFI Policymakers’ Roundtable on Financial Inclusion
2017 – September G-24 Special Workshop on Growth and Reducing Inequality
2017 – April G-24/AFI Policymakers’ Roundtable on Financial Inclusion
2016 – October Brookings-G24 Roundtable on A New Global Agenda: Implications for the Role of the World Bank
2016 – April G-24/AFI Policymakers’ Roundtable on Financial Inclusion
2015 – October G-24/AFI Policymakers’ Roundtable on Financial Inclusion
2015 – July Government of Ethiopia/G-24/Brookings Institution High-Level Meeting on Financing of Sustainable Infrastructure
2015 – May  G-24/Brookings Institution/UN Foundation Private Roundtable on Financing for Development
2014 – April  G-24/AFI Policymakers’ Roundtable on Financial Inclusion
2014 – January  CIGI and G-24 Seminar on New Approaches to Handling Severe Sovereign Crises
2013 – December  The Future of Global Economic Governance and the IMF: Challenges and Opportunities for Europe, Emerging Economies and Developing Countries
2013 – October  Seminar on Capital Account Regulations and the Trading System
2013-  September  High Level Seminar on New Challenges to Growth and Productivity
2013 – April  G-24/AFI 5th Annual Policymakers’ Roundtable on Financial Inclusion
2013 – February  Brookings/CIGI/G-24 High Level Seminar
2012 – October  G-24/Governement of Trinidad and Tobago Small States Roundtable
2012 – August  Brookings/CIGI/G-24 High Level Seminar on Quota Reform
2012 – April  G-24/AFI 5th Annual Policymakers’ Roundtable on Financial Inclusion
2010 – July  International Capital Movements: Old and New Debates
2010 – April  G-24/AFI Roundtable on Financial Inclusion
2004 – November  Constrains to Growth in Sun-Saharan Africa
2004 – February  IMF Book Forum
2003 – September  Financial Contagion Seminar
2003 – April  The Impact of Basell II Capital Requirements on Developing Countries
2001 – November  Financing for Development
2001 – September  Financing for Development
2000 – September  Coherence of Dissonance of the International Institutional Framework


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