Policy Briefs - Old | G-24

Policy Briefs

The Sovereign Debt Forum: A Snapshot
Richard Gitlin, Brett House

Capital Flow Management and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Kevin P. Gallagher, Sarah Anderson, Annamaria Viterbo

Giving Domestic Demand a Greater Role in Development Strategies
Jorg Mayer

Developmental Macroeconomics
Anis Chowdhury

Regulating Global Capital Flows for Development
Kevin P. Gallagher

Managing Capital Flows in Emerging Markets
Roberto Frenkel

Using Capital Management Techniques to Manage Disruptive Capital Flows
Gerald Epstein

Macroeconomic Policies for Post-Conflict Countries 
Degol Hailu, John Weeks

Macroeconomic Policies for Development
Degol Hailu, John Weeks

Macroeconomic Policies for Resource-Rich Countries
Degol Hailu, John Weeks

Coping with External – Capital and Current Account – Shocks
Vladimir Popov

Fiscal Austerity Threatens Global Recession
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

Inflation Targeting in Developing Countries
Anis Chowdhury, Iyanatul Islam

Recycling Global Imbalances
Korkut Erturk

The WTO’s Financial Services Terms and Deregulation
Todd Tucker

An Optimal Debt-to-GDP Ratio
Anis Chowdhury, Iyanatul Islam

The WTO as Barrier to Financial Regulation
Jayati Ghosh

Derivatives as Risk Management Tools
Sunanda Sen

The Financialization of Healthcare and Pensions in Developing Countries
Sheena Sumaria

Infrastructure Finance and Global Rebalancing
Alok Sheel

Macroeconomics Effects of Basel III
Andrew Comford

Fiscal Policy and Global Growth
CP Chandrasekhar, Jayati Ghosh

The Fallcy of Austerity-Based Fiscal Consolidation
Iyanatul Islam, Anis Chowdhury

Fiscal Consolidation, Growth and Employment
Andrew M. Fischer

The Great China Currency Debate
Kevin P. Gallagher

Capital Controls and Trade Agreements
Kevin P. Gallagher

Domestic Resource Mobilization in Poor Developing Countries
Sony Kapoor

The Carry Trade and Financial Fragility
Massimiliano La Marca

The International Monetary System and Financial Instability
Barbara Sennholz, Peter Chowla, Jesse Griffiths

Why Worry About Fiscal Deficits?
Anis Chowdhury, Niel Hart

Sub-Sovereign Bonds for Infrastructure Investment
Daniel Platz, David Painter

IMF Voting Reform: Need, Opportunity and Options
David Woodward

IMF Emergency Loans for Low-Income Countries
Nuria Molina

The Potential Development Implications of Enhancing the IMF’s Resources
Peter Chowla

The G20 London Summit on Tax Haven Jurisdictions
David Spencer

The Requirements of a New Reserve Currency Regime
Prabhat Patnaik

Coordinated Fiscal Stimuli: An Antidote to Protectionism
Prabhat Patnaik

Recycling Incremental Surpluses
Prabhat Patnaik

Rebalancing ODA and Debt Relief
Detlef J. Kotte

Debt Sustainability: The Right Type of Borrowing for the Right Purpose
Kristine Forslund, Matthias Rau-Goehring

IMF Policy on the Global Food Crisis of 2008
Bhumika Muchhala, Rick Rowden

Proactive Financial Policies for Financing Productive Investment
Alfredo Calcagno, Jorg Mayer

The Greenhouse Development Rights Framework
Paul Baer, Tom Athanasiu, Sivan Kartha

Recycling Global Imbalances
Korjut Ertuk

Innovative Financing for Development: A Summary
Ricardo Ffrech-Davis

Savings, Investment and Growth: Theory and Result
Heiner Flassbeck

The World Bank’s Scorecard for Rating Performance of its Recipient Governments
Nancy Alexander

Notes for Doha: Towards a New Consensus on the External Debt Leading Action
Ugo Panizza

Public-Private Partnerships for Water Services in Africa (PPPs)
Nancy Alexander

Microfinance for Development
Ann Orr, Krishnan Sharma

The World Bank’s Scorecard for Rating Performance of Its Recipient Governments
Nancy Alexander

Promoting Inclusive Finance for Development
Ann Orr, Krishnan Sharma

Infrastructure Financing
Stephany Griffith-Jones

Carbon Tax for Managing Climate Change
Frank Schroeder

The World Bank’s Country Policy and Institutional Assessment
Nancy Alexander

Enhancing Domestic Resource Mobilization
Roy Culpeper

The IDA-15 Agreement
Nancy Alexander

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
David Woodward

Monterrey Financing for Development Systemic Issues
Cardim de Carvalho

Voting Reform at the Fund
Rudiger von Arnim

Government Procurement, Development and World Bank Conditionalities
Olivia McDonald

IMF Conditionalities for the Least Developed Countries
Raymond Saner and Ricardo Guilherme

FDI as a Means of Financing Development
Prabhat Patnaik

Subprime Mortgages and the Recent Financial Turmoil
Michael Mah-Hui Lim

Sustaining Sterilization Policy
Roberto Frenkel

Rethinking World Trade Negotiations
Kevin P. Gallagher

Inflation Targeting, Employment Creation and Economic Development
Gerald Epstein, A. Erinc Yeldan

Turkey: The Bounce after the Crisis
A. Erinc Yeldan

In Praise of Polak, but Fifty Years is Enough
Ben Fine

Protecting Industrial Policy Space in Low-Income Countries
Shahrukn Rafi Khan

Indirect Monetary Policy and the Pursuit of Development
Tarron Khemraj

Is China Actually Helping Improve Debt Sustainability in Africa
Helmut Reisen

Lessons from Recent Stock Market Corrections
Randall Dodd

The IMF Reserve Augmentation Line Proposal
Jan Kregel

Subprime Mortgages: Is the Worst yet to Come
Andrew Cornford

Regulating Global Capital Flows for Development
Andrew Glyn

Explaining Labor’s Declining Share of National Income
Kevin P. Gallagher

Foreign Aid
Lance Taylor

Democratizing the IMF
David Woodward

Beyond the IMF
Devesh Kapur, Richard Webb

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