Occasional Papers - Old | G-24

Occasional Papers

Are Credit Rating Agencies Limiting the Operational Capacity of Multilateral Development Banks
Humphrey, Chris

The IMF and the Adjustments of Global Imbalances
Abeles, Martin

Carbon Markets and Beyond
Financing for Climate Investments

Ackerman, Franck

The Macroeconomic Impact of Remittances in Ghana
Addison, E.K.Y.

The Stabilization of Commodity Markets of Interest to Africa
Adebusuyi, B.S.

Reforming the IMF: Back to the Drawing Board
Policy Response to the Global Financial Crisis
Akyuz, Yilmaz

The Basel Committee and Global Governance
Alexander, Kern

Incidence of Trade Policies and Agricultural Subsidies on Developing Country Exports
Anderson, Kym

The Provision of Micro-Credit Finance to Small Businesses
Anyanwu, Cajetan

Innovative Ways of Financing Africa’s Development
Aryeetey, Ernest

The Right to Development in a Climate Constrained World
Athanasiou, Tom

Mission Creep, Mission Push and Discretion in Sociological Perspective
Babb, Sarah

The Right to Development in a Climate Constrained World
Baer, Paul

Governance in Bretton Woods Institutions
Beltran, Gil

The World Development Report 2005
Bernal, Luisa

Infrastructure for Development: Meeting the Challenge
Bhattacharya, A

A Stability and Social Investment for High-Debt Countries
Birdsall, Nancy

Prioritizing Economic Growth: Enhancing Macroeconomics Policy Choice
Bradford, Colin

The Governance of the IMF: The Need for Comprehensive Reform
Bradlow, Daniel

Reform of Quota and Voting Shared in the International Monetary Fund
Bryant, Ralph

An Analysis of IMF Conditionality
An Estimation of IMF Quotas Based on a Formula Derived from the G-24 Ministers Communique
A New Voting Structure for the IMF
Can More Representative Governance Improve Global Economic Performance?
Does the IMF Need More Financial Resources?
Mission Creep, Mission Push and Discretion in Sociological Perspective
The Bretton Woods Institutions: Governance Without Legitimacy
The Governance of the International Monetary Fund
The Governance of the IMF in a Global Economy
The IMF and the Adjustment of Global Imbalances
The IMF at Sixty: An Unfulfilled Potential
Buira, Ariel

Financial Liberalization, Fragility and the Socialization of Risk
Financial Policies
Global Liquidity and Financial Flows to Developing Countries
Chandrasekhar, C.P.

Regional Monetary Arrangements for Developing Countries
Chang, Roberto

Access to Land, Growth and Poverty Reduction in Malawi
Chirwa, Ephraim W.

Bridging the Democratic Deficit: Double Majority Decision Making and the IMF
Chowla, Peter

Internationally Agreed Principles for Corporate Governance and the Enron Case
The Global Implementation of Basel II: Prospects and Outstanding Problems
Basel II at Mid 2006: Prospect for Implementation and Other Recent Developments
Introduction of Basel 2: The Current State of Play
Basel 2 at a Time of Financial Peril
The FSF’s Agenda for Financial Reform
The Basel 2 Agenda for 2009: Progress So Far
Cornford, Andrew

The Global Crisis and the International Financial System: Reform to Recover
Costa, Maria Beatriz

Overriding Jurisdictions in Global Financial Governance
Culpeper, Roy

Agenda and Criteria for Financial Regulatory Reform
D’Arista, Jane

China’s Emergence: A Wake-Up Service for Latin America
Devlin, Robert

Up from Sin: A Portfolio Approach to Salvation
Dodd, Randall

A Fiscal Insurance Proposal for the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union
Measuring Vulnerability: Capital Flows Volatility in the Quota Formula
Fiscal Insurance against Exogenous Shocks in the CFA-Franc Zone
Does Reis, Laura

International Financial Reform
Eatwell, John

Experiences in Capital Account Management
Should Financial Flows Be Regulated? Yes
Epstein, Gerald

Capital Account Regulations in Chile and Colombia
French-Davis, Ricardo

Real Exchange Rate and Employment
Frenkel, Roberto

Adjustment of European Quotas to Enhance the Voice and Participation of Developing and Transition Countries
Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) Initiative
Monitoring the Monterrey Consensus
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
Reforming the Governance of the IMF
Sovereign Debt Restructuring
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) for International Comparison of Poverty
G-24 Secretariat

Background Paper on Macroeconomic and Growth Policies
The Unnatural Coupling: Food and Global Finance
Ghosh, Jayati

The Rise of China and India – Impact on Africa
Goldstein, Andrea

Trip Wires and Speed Bumps: Managing Financial Risks
Figure 1
Figure 2
Experiences in Capital Account Management
Grabel, Ilene

Enhancing the Role of Regional Development Banks; The Time Is Now
Alternative Loan Guarantee Mechanisms and Project Finance for Infrastructure in Developing Countries
Agenda and Criteria for Financial Regulatory Reform
Sovereign Wealth Funds: A Developing Country Perspective
Building on the Counter-Cyclical Consensus: A Policy Agenda
Griffith-Jones, Stephany

Achieving Long-Term Sustainability in All HIPCs
Gunter, Bernard

The Accumulation of Reserves in the Prevention of Financial Crises
Guzman, Javier

Commodities Under Neo-Liberalism: The Case of Cocoa
Non-State Actors and Global Governance
Haque, Irfan

The Contemporary Reform of Global Financial Governance: Implication of and Lessons from the Past
Helleiner, Eric

How Well Do Measurements of an Enabling Environment for Development Stand Up?
Strengthening Sovereign Lending Through Mechanisms for Dialogue and Debt-Crises Workout
Herman, Barry

Investment, Growth, and Budget Deficit Ceilings, A Review of the Issues
Hernandez-Cata, Ernesto

The Impact of Remittances: Observations in Remitting and Receiving Countries
Hernandez-Coss, Raul

Fiscal Space for Public Investment: Towards a Human Development Approach
Heuty, Antoine

Openness and Employment: The Need for Coherent International and National Policies
Hoeven, Rolph Van Der

On the Roots of the Current Financial Crisis
Hu, Xiaolian

Slow Recovery Fable in Growth-Recession Times
Hazardous Intertia of Imbalances in the US and World Economy
Izurieta, Alex

Enhancing the Voice of Developing Countries in the World Bank
Jakobeit, Cord

Country Ownership of Reform Programs and the Implications for Conditionality
Johnson, Omotunde

Malaysia’s September, 1998 Controls
Experiences in Capital Account Management
Jomo, K.S.

The G8 Agreement on Debt Relief – What Can Debtor Countries Expect
Kaiser, Jurgen

Debt Sustainability Framework for Low Income Countries
Kappagoda, Nihal

Remittances: The New Development Mantra
Kapur, Devesh

The Right to Development in a Climate Constrained World
Kartha, Sivan

Providing Global Public Goods: Managing Globalization (Part I)
Providing Global Public Goods: Managing Globalization (Part II)
Kaul, Inge

The International Monetary Fund: Integration and Democratization in the 21st Century
Kelkar, Vijay

Assessing the Risks in the Private Provision of Essential Services
Kessler, Tim

Governance and Anti-Corruption Reforms in Developing Countries
Khan, Mushtaq

Millennium Development Goals
The Current State of Trade Negotiations
Report on the Outcome of the Cancun Ministerial Meeting
Khor, Martin

Developing Countries and the Millennium Development Goals
Kinninburgh, Ian

External Trade and Capital Constraints to Growth
Kousari, Kamram

External Financing for Development and International Financial Instability
IMF Contingency Financing for Middle Income Countries with Access to Private Capital Markets
Kregel, Jan

Aid for Trade: Cool Aid or Kool-Aid?
Laird, Sam

The Role of Government Policy in Building Industrial Competitiveness in a Globalizing World
Lall, Sanjaya

Social Consequences of Globalization, ILO
Lee, Eddy

Voting Power Implications of a Unified European Representation at the IMF
Leech, Dennis

Issues on IMF Governance and Representation: An Evaluation of Alternative Options
Le Fort, Guillermo

The World Bank’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Approach: Good Marketing or Good Policy?
Levinson, Jim

How to Solve the Global Economic Crisis – Making Fiscal Stimulus Packages Work Across the World
Lin, Justin Yifu

Debt Forgiveness, Poverty Reduction and Sustainability Development
Lipumba, Ibrahim

IMF Policies for Financial Crises Prevention in Emerging Markets
Lorenzo, Fernando

External Debt Sustainability: Guidelines for Low and Middle Income Countries
A Counter-Cyclical Financing Mechanism for Developing Countries
The Macro-Economic Impact of Remittances in Latin America-Dutch Disease or Latin Cure?
Loser, Claudio

Overlapping Responsibilities of International Institutions
Lunde, Leiv

External Shocks: How Can Regional Financial Institutions Help to Reduce the Volatility of Latin American Economies?
Machinea, Jose Luis

Trade, Growth, Poverty Reduction and Human Development: Some Linkages and Policy Implications
Malhotra, Kamal

Economic Alternative for Sub Saharan Africa: Poverty Traps, MDG Based Strategies and Accelerated Capital Accumulation
McKinley, Terry

Purchasing Power Parities and Comparisons of GDP in IMF Quota Calculations
McLenaghan, John

Rethinking the Governance of the IMF
Mirakhor, Abbas

Food Price Crises: Rethinking Food Security Policies
Mittal, Anuradha

Burden Sharing at the IMF
Who Pays for the World Bank?
Mohammed, Aziz Ali

Economic and Monetary Integration in Africa
Nnanna, O.J.

The Global Crisis and the International Financial System: Reform to Recover
Nogueira, Diogo

Sovereign Wealth Funds: A Developing Country Perspective
The Instability and Inequities of the Global Reserve System
Special Drawing Rights and the Reform of the Global Reserve System
Building on the Counter-Cyclical Consensus: A Policy Agenda
Ocampo, Jose Antonio

Monitoring the Monterrey Consensus
Ossa, Christian

Prospects for Regional Financial and Monetary Integration in East Asia
Park, Yung Chul

Liquidity Black Holes: What They Are and How They Are Generated
The Political Economy of Basel II and Implications for Emerging Economies
Persaud, Avinash

Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way: The Role of the EU in the Reform of the Bretton Woods Institutions
Phillips, Lauren

Improving IMF Governance and Increasing the Influence of Developing Countries in IMF Decision-Making
Portugal, Murilo

A Food Import Compensation Mechanism: A Modest Proposal to Reduce Food Price Effects on Poor Countries
Raffer, Kunibert

Financial Services, the WTO and Initiatives for Global Financial Reform
Raghavan, Chakravarthi

Reforming the IMF’s Weighed Voting System
Rapkin, David

The World Development Report 2006: Brief Review
Reddy, Sanjay

Making Fiscal Policy Work for the Poor
Fiscal Space for Public Investment: Towards a Human Development Approach
Roy, Rathin

Issues in Implementing Standards and Codes
Schneider, Benu

Does Trade Openess Favour or Hinder Industrialization and Development
Shafaeddin, Medhi

The Role of the IMF in Debt Restructurings: LIA Policy, Moral Hazard and Sustainability Concerns
Simpson, Lucio

The Global Crisis and the International Financial System: Reform to Recover
Siqueira, Luis G. Mansur

East Asia’s Counterweight Strategy: Asian Financial Cooperation and Evolving International Monetary Order
Sohn, Injoo

Comparative Assessment of Developing Country Participation
Financing for Development from Monterrey to Doha
South Center

Macroeconomic and Growth Policies Notes
Spiegel, Shariname

The Strategic Role of the IMF: Risks for Emerging Market Economies
Stiglitz, Joseph

International Climate Policy
Stockholm Environment Institute

Global Imbalances and Fund Surveillance
Tanzi, Vito

External Shocks: How Can Regional Financial Institutions Help to Reduce the Volatility of Latin American Economies?
Titelman, Daniel

International Monetary Fund Reform: An Overview of the Issues
Trumen, Ted

Modernizing Small-Holder Agriculture to Ensure Food Security and Gender Empowerment: Issues and Policy
Ukeje, Emmanuel

The New Basel Accord and Developing Countries: Problem and Alternatives
Ward, Johnathan

Beyond the IMF
Webb, Richard

Accountability, Governance and Reform in the International Financial Institutions
Effective Representation and the Role of Coalitions within the IMF
A Note on Decision-Making Reform in the IMF
Woods, Ngaire

IMF Voting Reform: Need, Opportunity and Options
Woodward, David

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